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2020 – An HR Law Year in Review

2020 – An HR Law Year in Review

Date: Jan 15, 2021

In 2020, employers were faced with unprecedented legal challenges brought on by the pandemic. Meanwhile, the courts and tribunals issued landmark decisions that will have a significant continuing impact on employers well after the pandemic is over. Attend this session to learn the highlights of some of the most significant legal developments of 2020 affecting employers and receive practical tips on how to respond. The topics presented on January 15 included:

  • “ESA-only” termination clauses in employment contracts – do they still work?
  • Special employment standards rules on layoffs caused by the pandemic and what to expect when the pandemic ends
  • COVID-related health and safety appeals
  • The latest word from the Supreme Court of Canada on the duty of good faith performance in contracts and its impact on employers
  • Workers’ compensation changes and COVID relief

Subject Areas: Workplace Privacy, Attendance Management, Wrongful Dismissal, Human Rights, Employment Law, Workers’ Compensation, Occupational Health and Safety, Policy Development, Review, and Compliance Audits, Employment Standards