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Union Avoidance

Let’s face it – almost all employers who don’t have a union would prefer to keep it that way. But remaining union-free can mean performing a delicate balancing act for employers between speaking their minds and not running afoul of labour laws that can result in automatic union certification.

Our internal training sessions for managers and supervisors have proven effective in helping employers stay union-free.  We also assist employers in planning communications strategies that present the case to employees to remain union free, but do not go over the legal line.

Timelines are extremely tight – employers generally have only two business days from receipt of an application to carefully review it, identify and wade through complex legal and strategic issues, and prepare and file a response.  When employers receive a union application for certification, we help prepare a strategic and timely response and navigate them through the Labour Relations Board’s procedures.  We also assist with the campaign to persuade employees to vote “no” to the union.

The reality is that unions play “hardball” in their organizing campaigns, and often the law seems weighted heavily in the union’s favour.  When faced with an organizing drive or application for certification, employers need the kind of strong and knowledgeable legal representation that Stringer LLP provides.

Please contact anyone from our team for assistance.

Phone: 416-862-1616
Fax: 416-363-7358
Phone: 416-862-1616
Fax: 416-363-7358
Clear Filters
Ryan J. Conlin
Ryan J. Conlin


Jeffrey D. A. Murray
Jeffrey D. A. Murray


Jeremy D. Schwartz
Jeremy D. Schwartz


Allison L. Taylor
Allison L. Taylor


Landon P. Young
Landon P. Young

Managing Partner

Natalie G. Caballero
Natalie G. Caballero

Associate Lawyer